Information/Communication Technology at the Woden school is based on supporting our teachers to embed quality pedagogy (including technology) into their teaching practice. All of our classes are mixed ability groups and we work as a team to support them to accommodate, adapt and modify all lessons to engage and cater for the diverse student cohort. Using technology is one key to creating and establishing engagement in classes. We use a combination of auditory, visual, physical and kinaesthetic teaching methods. This diverse approach ensures students are provided with a variety of ways to learn. We recognised that students respond and engage best to a number of shorter more targeted activities in each lesson. Thanks to highly motivating and engaging student activities, we have reduced off-task behaviours and achieved curriculum objectives, keeping students highly engaged at the same time.

Some of the tools our students are currently actively using in the school include BYO Devices, Chromebooks, Smartboards and iPads.


The AssistiveWare app"Proloquo2go" and the use of "PODD" allows our students to communicate and gives a voice to those students whose receptive language is not matched by their verbal communication supported by Therapy ACT Speech Therapists, we are ensuring that all activities and programs for our non-verbal students comply with recognised approaches. We have a coordinated home/school approaches and continue to build on existing strategies to facilitate alternative communication options for our students.